Visit of Dr Yaya Abdoul Kane, Managing Director of AGPBE

Dr Yaya Abdoul Kane, Managing Director of AGPBE, has visited the United Nations House site in Diamniadio, this Thursday 27th of August 2020, in order to inquire about the progress of the work. Despite the COVID 19 pandemic, more than 60 % of structural works were achieved.
Indeed Envol Immobilier to ensure continuity of service during the pandemic, has set up a response plan:
* Containment on site of 100 local workers, fully supported to allow continuity of work on site
* Sensitization of workers with regard to the disease, and the provision of sanitizing and masks.

These arrangements made it possible to maintain a sustained pace which enabled Dr KANE DG of the AGPBE to assess the progress of the work

This visit was guided by the Managing Director of Envol Immobilier, Mr. Moctar THIAM.