First technical onsite meeting University of San Pedro – 2019/04/14
The first technical meeting for the University of San Pedro project, took place on April 12, 2019 in San Pedro. The meeting was opened by the representative of the prefect, M. KONE, M. Thiam Managing Director of Envol Partenariats CI. The project team made a visit of the site accompanied by the constructor partner WIETC, a delegation led by the University Decentralization Program (PDU), the National Committee of Steering of Public and Private Partnerships of ministerial representatives, as well as technical and financial partners.
See also
- Press release on the inauguration of the United Nations House in Diamniadio
- Visit to the United Nations House site in Diamniadio – 07/09/2022
- Visite of UN Secretary-General – 01/05/2022
- Ceremony for the opening of the new academic year in Ivory Coast at the University of San Pedro
- Visit of Dr Yaya Abdoul Kane, Managing Director of AGPBE